The new season of “We Are Venom” brought bright characters and gifts to Marvel Snap

Following the Spider-Man Symbiote, who brought confusion to the Marvel Snap rules last season, the new Season 29 brings Agent Venom to the arena, threatening to add chaos to the established play styles and make it even more exciting.
This hero, fighting on the side of Justice, is knocked out through the season pass, carries two pistols, and equalizes the power of all cards in the deck to 4 when revealed. According to reviews, he has proven himself to be an effective character to start the game, but building a deck around Venom is difficult due to the small number of cards that can match his abilities. So pump up your strategic thinking skills! Venom costs 2 points.

Together with the restless Symbiote, five of his brothers will burst into the game:
The new High Voltage mode should add even more tension to Marvel Snap, which will be active from October 16 to 24 and will abolish clicking, forcing players to achieve the goal in three turns. There will be more energy and cards, so many will quickly get the hang of it and will be able to knock out Agony, another new hero of the season, for free.
But much more bonuses will be received by players who log into Marvel Snap every day during the week and take part in the Festivities – this is how the creators decided to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the game.
This hero, fighting on the side of Justice, is knocked out through the season pass, carries two pistols, and equalizes the power of all cards in the deck to 4 when revealed. According to reviews, he has proven himself to be an effective character to start the game, but building a deck around Venom is difficult due to the small number of cards that can match his abilities. So pump up your strategic thinking skills! Venom costs 2 points.

Together with the restless Symbiote, five of his brothers will burst into the game:
- Scream, which takes 2 strengthes from an enemy card once per turn when it lands in its location.
- Misery, which reproduces the abilities of the player's cards in this location and destroys them after that.
- Scorn, which returns to the hand after discarding, which gives +2 to the strength of itself and one of the revealed cards.
- Toxin, which, when on the table, returns all cards from the location to the player's hand, and each of them adds +2 strengthes to it.
- Anti-Venom, which resets the cost and strength of the top card in the deck.
The new High Voltage mode should add even more tension to Marvel Snap, which will be active from October 16 to 24 and will abolish clicking, forcing players to achieve the goal in three turns. There will be more energy and cards, so many will quickly get the hang of it and will be able to knock out Agony, another new hero of the season, for free.
But much more bonuses will be received by players who log into Marvel Snap every day during the week and take part in the Festivities – this is how the creators decided to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the game.
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